The girls at london escorts often check up on me

It was a cold winters evening and I was making my way back from my shift at london escorts agency. It had been a busy evening i had been on a record 12 dates and I was absolutely shattered. It was a typical london wet night where the street lights would make blurry speckled spots on the shimmering ground. On the nights when it’s not windy it can be quite a nice ambiance but tonight there is a bite in the air so I walked a lot quicker to my apartment and wasn’t able to take in the beauty of the lights.

I don’t live too far from the London escorts agency office so it’s not too bad of a trip. I got home hung up my wet jacket and put my umbrella on the balcony. As I looked up from placing my umbrella down I got a glimpse of my favourite view of the moon shining over the river Thames.

I live alone, well sometimes my girlfriends from other escorts agencies at Charlotte East Ham escorts around london come and stay with me for a few weeks if they are overnight bookings or week long bookings in the area. But 70% of the time I live alone. I like it that way. As when I get home from my shift from london escorts I get to just have a hot bath with my essential oils and relax. I also love to cook so I put my Alexa on as loud as I can and play old 80s pop songs for hours whilst I cook up a feast for one.

The girls at london escorts often check up on me and have questioned why I don’t get a room mate but I just tell them I really don’t mind living alone I quite like my own company sometimes. You see when you work as a london escort you are constantly entertaining and talking to your clients and making sure they have a good time. Most of the time I’m happy to engage but I do like to come home and have some peace and quiet as most of my energy has been spent on my clients.

Apart from having baba bath and cooking disco is with my 90s pop music my other favourite thing to do is to draw. I have an easel in my front room right by my balcony where I spend a lot of time on the store drawing pictures of landscapes. I really enjoy drawing and creating images of beautiful landscapes most of them are actually fictional but I just like to let my imagination go wild on the canvas. Some of the other London escorts from other agencies who have stayed with me say that I’m actually really talented. A few of the escorts from the other London agencies have actually purchased a few of my landscape drawings. One girl from Luton escorts actually said to me that she would be happy to host an exhibition of my work in one of the warehouses that she owns. I was really honoured that she thought my work was that good they should be exhibited but for now I just like to keep my drawings with me and reminisce on the beautiful landscapes that I have created.
